Course Numbers:
EDU-3110-JH01 Lit for Children (undergrad)
EDU-5020-JH01 Lit for Children (graduate)
Johnson State College
Registrar 802-635-1677
REGISTRATION OPEN NOW, but registration closes May 29th!!!
Who Should Take This Class? This class is perfect for both graduate students and undergraduates. EDP students are very welcome! This class is also great for professionals who are already teaching but would like an inspirational way to explore and refresh while earning continuing education credit for certification renewal!Hybrid Class Format allows great flexibility and plenty of time for independent work.
Hybrid Format: We will meet on campus a total of 24 hours (four 6-hour sessions) at Johnson State College in Johnson, Vermont. The campus sessions run 10am-4pm on four Saturdays (June 13, June 20, June 27 and August 1).
Then, during July we will not meet in person, but there will be several online discussions to help us maintain our connection and share insights into some of the readings. I've designed the course so that you have plenty of time during July to complete all the coursework and the main project. If you want to squeeze in your family vacation there should be plenty of time for that too!
Why A Hybrid Format? The first three class meetings in June will allow a great deal of hands-on exploration of children's literature to establish broad understandings and context. Then, in July, we'll have a few online discussions about shared readings, but mostly you will have the whole month to complete your project work on your own. I can support your work via email and phone check-ins for one-on-one advice as needed. Our final meeting, on August 1, is to share our work with each other and to finish up our discussions in person.Teacher? My name is Morna Flaum. I am an adjunct professor at Johnson State College, where I've been teaching Children's Literature since 2009. I am also writing a dragonbook myself! Through the years I have taught a variety of courses at Johnson State College at the undergraduate and graduate level. See some comments from my previous students of Children's Literature here.
Course Content: This course will help you learn how to choose, use and combine picture books, informational books, and all levels and genres of children's and young adult literature throughout the curriculum and across all content areas. We'll examine new genres, multicultural literature, peritextual design elements, postmodern picturebooks, new media, scholarly articles and aesthetic criticism. This field is truly exhilarating and you absolutely always have fun with it! Send me an email and I'll answer all your questions:
Personalized Assignments: I want this class to be very useful to you. The assignments of the course are geared to helping you find the literature you need to teach your best in the year to come. During the course you will develop a text set that will be core to what you teach, who you teach, where you teach.
Registration is through Johnson State College. Call JSC Johnson State College Registrar's Office - 802-635-1677.